


We produce transducers for general and special-purpose, standard and custom: straight beam, angle beam, dual element, ground in and others.

All transducers are designed for using with ultrasonic flaw detectors. Connector Type: Lemo (other connectors – by order).

Contact dual-element transducers are designed for testing welded and brazed joints of the elements of metal structures, pipelines for detection the different kinds of defects (cracks, nonmetallic particles, pores, lack of fusion, scratches, surface cracks, etc.).

Straight beam contact transducers are designed to detect internal defects (pores, cracks, delamination and others),also they used for searching local thinning walls in metal structures and walls of the product, including the low-alloyed and austenitic steels products.

Ground in transducers are designed to detect internal defects of pipes and for searching local thinning walls of the pipes, including the low-alloyed and austenitic steels products.



We produce many kinds transducers for all tasks.


Available options

We can produce transducers for your all requirements.

If you have any requirements, please contact us before ordering. Also you can order the another type of connector.


Standard set

  • Transducer
  • Package






frequency, MHz

Angle, deg.  


Contact angle beam transducers
P121-2,5-40 2, 5 40  


Manufacturing under the order with any other                         specified parameters

P121-2,5-45 2, 5 45
P121-2,5-50 2, 5 50
P121-2,5-60 2, 5 60
P121-2,5-65 2, 5 65
P121-2,5-70 2, 5 70
P121-2,5-75 2, 5 75
P121-2,5-90 2, 5 90
P121-5-40 5 40
P121-5-45 5 45
P121-5-50 5 50
P121-5-60 5 60
P121-5-65 5 65
P121-5-70 5 70
P121-5-75 5 75
P121-5-90 5 90
Contact straight beam transducers
P111-2,5-К12 2,5 0  

Manufacturing under the order with any other                         specified parameters

P111-5-К6 5 0
P111-5-К12 5 0
P111-10-К10 10 0
P111-2,5-К20 2,5 0
P111-1,25-К20 1,25 0
Ground-in transducers
P121-2,5-40-ØХХХ 2,5 40  





Manufacturing diameter of curvature under the order

P121-2,5-45-ØХХХ 2,5 45
P121-2,5-50-ØХХХ 2,5 50
P121-2,5-60-ØХХХ 2,5 60
P121-2,5-65-ØХХХ 2,5 65
P121-2,5-70-ØХХХ 2,5 70
P121-2,5-75-ØХХХ 2,5 75
P121-5-40-ØХХХ 5 40
P121-5-45-ØХХХ 5 45
P121-5-50-ØХХХ 5 50
P121-5-60-ØХХХ 5 60
P121-5-65-ØХХХ 5 65
P121-5-70-ØХХХ 5 70
P121-5-75-ØХХХ 5 75
Dual element transducers
P112-2,5-12/2 2,5 0 Manufacturing under the order with any other                         specified parameters
P112-2,5-20/2 2,5 0
P112-5-12-2 5 0
П112-5-3х4 5 0


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